Saturday, January 4, 2014

Celebrating 2014.

To make up for the two lost days, I am going to ensure posts through the weekend! 

I have a ton of plans this coming year, lots of things to do and so many goals to achieve. While some are fun like planning for short getaways, and keeping long hair... others are more serious like saving money for future use like getting my degree... funding a working holiday trip if I decided to leave my current job. Not that I intend to in the next year, however. Loving it too much right now.

Personal Goals: 
★ Go for at least 6 short getaways or three actual trips to somewhere I've never been to this year.
Some people asked me why I still wanna get on a plane somewhere on my off days when I travel for a living. I learn now that travelling for fun is waaaaaaay more exciting than travelling for work. All the parties you can go to, all the things you can do to your hair. So I am going to try making time for a little R&R during my days off. There's one coming up.. I can't wait!
★ Long hair for Hari Raya
I have this habit of cutting my hair as soon as it grows past my shoulders. I need to stop being itchy fingers and cutting my hair as soon as I see a nice, short hairstyle. I've had short hair for a long time now, time for it to groooow. Mazlan has the task to keep me from cutting my hair, though he isn't exactly taking my word for it. WE. SHALL. SEE.
★ Actually get an off day for Hari Raya
Now this is also a gamble. Sigh.
★ Keeping my options open
It feels so good to finally be able to let go, and have a little bit of fun.  Let's see where this year will take me. No more keeping my heart inside a cage.
★ Take up the 52-week savings plan
And have an extra $1.3k to spend on a holiday the next year! Yippee!
★ Take up at least 3 fitness challenge
Need to tone up the body, pronto. 

Blogging goals:
★ Continue with my What I Ate Wednesday feature
Ate so many interesting things, can't wait to share them all with you.
★ Start one (or two) new monthly feature.
... DEETS later!
★ Revive the sponsorship page.
Exchanging buttons, making friends in blogosphere, LOVING IT! But haven't gotten around to renew my Passionfruit subscription yet. All in good time.
★ Expand Syfnz Says, maybe?
Start by giving it a new look? Maybe? Hee.

So here's just sharing with you my goals for the year and I hope to revisit it next year and see how far I have come since!


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