Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Colours of Sydney

I've been wanting to head to Sydney for the longest time because of one person. My dear friend Bibek has been living there for almost 3 years now, studying... and I haven't seen him since we graduated from Poly. I only had a day in Sydney this time, and while most of it was ruined because of my lost luggage, I tried to look past the storm in search of the ray of light. Sounds cheesy huh, but it got me through the day.

Each city has its colours in my opinion, and for Sydney they were brown and orange. Even though it was chilly out, a ray of sunshine peeked from behind skyscrapers, bathing colonial buildings and beautiful parks in orange warmth.

There was an Asian food festival called Night Noodle Market at Hyde Park, and we were so lucky to have been able to experience it. Even though the Char Kuay Teow and chicken rice were at least $15, the sights were lovely and atmosphere, lively. Wished my phone wasn't dead then. Would have loved to share what I saw.

Evening came, and it was time to meet my long lost friend. I literally ran and engulfed him in the tightest hug I've ever given to anyone when I saw him. Thank God he managed to catch me. We've survived through three gruelling years of Mass Communication together. We were groupmates in almost every module we took together and we, along with our other homie Riley, used to take the bus home together every single day. There was never a dull moment with them around.

Had a lovely dinner at his friend's place, in a home I dream to live in someday. Ciera was a very artistic woman with great taste in music and decor, I swear. It was lovely to be in their company for the evening after an exhausting day.

Took the train back, and we saw the iconic Opera House and Sydney Harbour Bridge. Didn't manage to see them properly, but we shall save that for the next time I fly into Sydney. Bibek promised to take me to the zoo the next time I visit (which is in 10 days). Can't wait!

 2009: Late night projects at Makan Place as usual.
2013: Well, what had changed?!

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