Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Weekly Wishes #10 - A MILESTONE!

This post is a milestone because it's my 10TH Weekly Wishes post. I think it deserves a sidebar link of its own. I love how every week people from all over the world would read my blog and leave beautiful comments before they leave. I enjoy going through the list of blogs to read every week, whether or not I contributed. Linking up for the Weekly Wishes is an experience, and I am grateful for the chance to interact with like-minded bloggers around the world.

I haven't been really productive with #9. Except for the part about drinking 1.5 litres of water per day. Not that I can finish an entire bottle, but I think as a whole, I am drinking more plain water every day because of the nature of my work and the environment I am in. I gotta stay hydrated!

❤ Start researching on a good body toning workout
❤ Get a good rest before each working day
❤ Eat a little healthier
❤  Try not to kill anyone
❤ Continue blogging throughout the week

❤ Start researching on a good body toning workout
There are days when I look at myself in the mirror and hate the way I look. I hate to wear any kind of swimsuit, opting for shorts and a tank top instead because I hate the stretch marks on my ass. My legs used to be nicely toned because I was a cross country runner back back when I was at school. I want that body, those legs and a firmer ass back. So, like Britney said, "You gotta work it, bitch." 

If you guys have an effective regime to recommend, do let me know in the comments below!

❤ Get a good rest before each working day
The upcoming week is going to be intense. I'll be away from home for at least 8 straight days, operating the Perth-Denpasar turnarounds, with minimal rest hours in between. It's going to be tiring and I really can't wait for these sectors to be over. Thankfully, Perth and Singapore are in the same timezone, so not much adjusting is needed. But getting up from the depths of a comfy hotel bed will prove to be a huge challenge.

❤ Eat a little healthier
Eating healthy was never in my agenda.. Ever. But that's because I get good food at home. When I was in Melbourne, I stocked up on tons of junk food. I grew sick of microwaved food after three days, that even McDonalds was a treat. This time though, I intend to shop for more healthier food. We'll see how it goes during the week. I hope for more roasted chicken salad. 

❤  Try not to kill anyone
Samsung's customer service stinks. I don't think I've ever been that angry since a year and a half ago. My S4 is barely 2 months old, but it had seen the insides of the service centre FOUR TIMES ALREADY. I yelled at the staff because I was so pissed that the same old problem kept cropping up despite numerous trips to the store. The front desk girl and I are like best friends now. 

This is probably my penance for switching sides. I should have just stuck to Apple. Now, they've already botched the delivery, making me wait for a no-show delivery tonight... They're gonna get a good scolding from me first thing tomorrow morning. Never getting another Samsung phone in my life.

❤ Continue blogging throughout the week
I will be bringing my Macbook along for the 'lonely nights' ahead. I hope I wouldn't be too tired or lazy to update this space. I have a few exciting posts lined up, so do continue to drop by throughout the week. I promise, the reads would be entertaining.

And this concludes my 10th Weekly Wishes post! This was indeed a sense of achievement for me, because I never seemed to be able to be faithful and consistent to a plan. Thank you Melyssa for hosting such an awesome link up!



  1. Hey there! I found your blog through the linkup. First of all, this is my first time visiting your blog but I think I may be in love haha. Also, these are great wishes for the week. I wish you all the best in making them come true.

    1. Hey Jordan! Thanks, you're too kind. Hope to see you around blogosphere more! :D xx

  2. I've seen a few peeps talking about blogilates, maybe you can try that. Oh by the way, Zalifah says "Yes I agree about the Samsung. Samsung sucks!" Loool.

    1. Will check out the blogilates! Hahaha. I am still very, very annoyed cos they're taking a heck of a long time to get back to me.
