Monday, October 21, 2013

The inner fangirl in me surfaces.

I would usually save this fangirling posts for Tumblr, but this time I just can't help myself. 


I've been a loyal follower of Bones since 2008, catching up on the 2+ years I've missed then waiting eagerly for new episodes to roll out each week. I was there for the breakups, hook ups, deaths (it happens every week, but the most devastating ones involve the characters we love e.g. Vincent Nigel-Murray) and the 9 years of sexual tension between the two lead characters, Dr. Temperance Brennan (Emily Deschanel) and Special Agent Seeley Booth (David Boreanaz)

Can't wait for tonight's episode! It's what everyone who's been a faithful follower to Bones have been waiting for after all the random hook ups, missed opportunities, and an unexpected pregnancy.

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