Monday, September 16, 2013

Weekly Wishes #8

Previous week's wishes:
❤ Start writing again
❤ Enjoy the downtime while it lasts
❤ Quit obsessing over black cats.

I am proud to say that I've been quite productive last week. I got my 90% of my laundry done, met up with a couple of people I haven't seen in ages.. And I started writing again from scratch after getting inspired by the grand party on The Great Gatsby. 

My uniform had been altered and ready to be worn whenever they decide to roster me in for duty. According to the email sent, we were to receive our schedule for the next month today. It is already 1740 hours in Melbourne and there are no signs of an updated roster. Sigh. I am getting a little stir crazy here.

The past weekend had been insane. Spent a quiet Friday night in, curled up with a book and a mug of hot cappuccino. Saturday was party night at Tanjong Beach Club. I haven't partied in a long, long while and let's just say it was crazy. I was glad to be with great friends who made sure to look after each other no matter how messed up we were. The next day I woke up with a terrible headache. It was so bad, I think my hangover had a hangover. Sunday was a little more relaxed. Movie afternoon with the same people I partied with last night.. and a family dinner. It was overall a great weekend.

❤ Finish recording a song
❤ Take a test roll on le Diana Mini
❤ Cook something new

❤ Finish recording a song
I am the kind of person who listens to a song, likes it and intends to cover it. I downloaded a TON of instrumental tracks off YouTube but 80% of the time, I don't end up covering the song. The last song I did was a collaboration with my ultra talented cousin, Herlmi.

And I haven't had the inspiration (nor the voice) to sing anything. But my big sister's birthday is coming up and she loves Lana Del Ray. So I was thinking to do a song for her (in addition to the god-expensive truffle oil she wanted so much) as a gift.

❤ Take a test roll on le Diana Mini
I haven't taken any quality film pictures this year, and I am itching to start again. Thankfully, my neighbour agreed to loan me her Diana Mini for my experimentation. I have recently gotten my hands on expired films... like 5 years expired kinds.. for a great steal and I can't wait to use them. Especially, when I have a very, very good looking subject waiting for me. Hee.

❤ Cook something new
I have a strange craving for homemade chicken noodle soup since Melbourne and the best recipe I found so far takes like 4 hours.. and a whole freaking chicken to cook. I will try to come up with something. The thought of slurping down the smooth, warm and flavourful broth is just........ mmmm.

I've never been so eager to start work, ever. But a three week long hiatus from work is driving me crazy. (I am going to regret this when I actually start working) If I weren't so broke, I would have taken this opportunity to travel. But no, my bank account is squeezed dry, hence I have to stay home and endure the wrath of my mum. So I am really hoping they'd schedule me for some flights before I forget the stuff I learnt a month ago. A. MONTH. AGO.

Still obsessed with black cats. WHY ARE YOU SO CUTE.


  1. You did really well last week! And I like your goals for this week :)

    Hey! Also, I really like your cover of Little Talks! I'm also really curious to see how your Diana Mini photos turn out since I have been considering buying one. Good luck this week!

    xoxo Jess
    Foreign Room

    P.S. It is pretty much my dream to visit Australia!!!

    1. Hi JESS!
      Omg, I am so stoked you read my post this week. I have like a major crush on your blog (and you of course) Thank you!
      I don't live in Australia, but I fly there pretty frequently to say that YOU SHOULD HEAD THERE SOMEDAY. Beautiful place, Aussie. :)
