Monday, September 9, 2013

Weekly Wishes #7

Previous week's wishes:
❤ Manage finances: have at least 200 leftover spending money for the rest of the month
❤ Get laundry done
❤ Investigate where have the mails gone to

Haven't been very successful with last week wishes. Overspent by a LOT the past weekend because of outings to various food establishments. Yummy food, ain't good for my pocket. HENCE, I really have to scrimp and save and eat grass for the next 14 days before payday.

I have the whole week off the coming week (YAY for more sleep-ins, booo for basic pay) so I have more time to get my uniform sorted out, and laundry done. Sigh.

But, I FOUND THE LOST MAIL! It was being held at the post office because I didn't write a return address (oops) and there was a major defect in my parcel. But despite all the drama, I managed to take it back and added a few more things into the package for Bonnie... and sent it out this morning. Hopefully, it'll reach her this time. :)

❤ Start writing again
❤ Enjoy the downtime while it lasts
❤ Quit obsessing over black cats


❤ Start writing again
I am not talking about writing in my blog this time, but actually write, WRITE! Been suffering from a dry spell lately, so bad that I can't even find words to form a proper paragraph. I resorted to reading Bones fanfiction (a guilty, fattening pleasure of mine) to soak up some inspiration but to no avail. I have an idea for a story, but I seemed to not be able to churn out words. This is ultimately frustrating.

❤ Enjoy the downtime while it lasts
While most of my batchmates are out working, flying around the world.. some of us are still stuck without rosters. Part of me is envious of the pictures that they're sending through the whatsapp chat group... the other part of me is enjoying this time to repay my sleep debt, and do whatever the hell I wanted during the week. I know that once my roster is out, I'll have to say goodbye to my freedom and the next time I get to enjoy time like this will probably be taken out from my leave pool. So I ain't complaining, just enjoying the free time I've been granted. Boo to no allowances though.

❤ Quit obsessing over black cats
They're my favourite cats (after the Sphinx). But I have to resign to the fact that I'll never be able to have cats while living in my parents' house. Maybe I'll get one when I have my own house. Then again, I might not cos I am afraid of them dying before me. I can't deal with the heartbreak.  

Hope you guys have an awesome week ahead!


  1. I love that you want to start writing again! It's important for me to get this back on track as well:)

  2. Good luck with your goals! Suffering from a dry spell when it comes to writing is incredibly frustrating - I know the feeling! You could try to rewrite some of the older stuff you've written - maybe that will help you bring the creative juices back? By the way, those macarons look delicious: I want to take a bite! ;)


    1. You gave me an excellent idea! Maybe I should rewrite some of my old stuff. I really hope it'll bring back the inspiration though. THANKS! :D And yeah, the macaroons were yummy :)

  3. Good luck with your wishes. I too wish for a pet, maybe one day but not where I'm living now!!

  4. Your goals sound really great! I have been having a dry spell with drawing. Not sure what it is. I have a hard time implementing new habits into my lifestyle without forgetting about my old good habits!

    For finances I really recommend the app EEBA. You can find out about it at My husband and I started using it last November, and it's been pretty darn good for us!
