Sunday, September 8, 2013


Thursday, September 5: Pass on some useful advice or information you learned and always remembered. 

I learnt to go with the flow, and see where it takes me. That don't mean you sit on your ass and wait for things to happen to you. If you want something, go out and get it. If you really want something, work hard and give off your best for it. There's a saying: 'There are no shortcuts to success'. As cliche as it may sound, the dude who said it was right!

Friday, September 6: A story about a time you were very afraid.

Exactly a week ago, a group of friends and I were on yacht, taking a leisure ride around the little islands outside of Singapore. It had been a very relaxed day so far, with good company, good views and good food and drinks. Out of nowhere two Police Coast Guard boats appeared, and one overtook us with great speeds causing huge waves. Arafath was grumbling about how 'dumb' the coast guard boats were, creating such choppy waves. 

Then, heaven knows why, the other Coast Guard boat decided to overtake us on the other side.  Our yacht tipped dangerously to its side, and things started falling off the table. The screws that bolted down the table broke, unable to withstand the weight... and the next thing I knew, I was staring at the red band of the coast guard boat at the front of the yacht, and I heard the piercing screams from the people at the bow of the yacht. Then there was a crash.

Because of the water that was splashing into yacht upon impact, someone panicked and said the boat was sinking. The first instinct was to grab a lifejacket. Thank God for the training I underwent the past week, I kept my head screwed on and helped those who couldn't swim with their lifejackets while surveying the area. The water stopped pouring in, and well... the yacht wasn't sinking. Everyone on the yacht was fine, and there were no injuries. One person nearly flew out of the yacht when it hit the Coast Guard boat though, but Jing's quick reflexes saved her.

While everyone were panicking and obviously scared out of their wits, I stayed calm and got my hands and feet moving. I was shit scared, but all the while, I had my emergency drills running through my head. They weren't exactly pertinent to our current situation, but chanting the drills in my head seemed to keep me from completely losing it like my other friends. After we got on land, and everything was calm, my friends teased me for being incredibly adept at helping them wear the lifejackets. I simply replied that it's what I've been trained for.

If only they knew what was going on in my head throughout the whole ordeal.


  1. Omg did the guard apologised? But I'm glad everyone is ok.

    1. Yeah they did. They needed to compensate for the damages to the boat though. Hahaha.
