Saturday, September 7, 2013

BLOGTEMBER - This is my way of catching up with what I've missed [1&2]

I've decided to join in Jenni's Blogtember fun and TRY to blog everyday in September. I currently have some free time right now, so I can ensure daily posts. *fingers and toes crossed* 

I will be breaking down the four days I've missed into two parts. Two will be done today, and the other two will be up tomorrow. Do look out for them! :D

Tuesday, Sept. 3: Describe where or what you come from. The people, the places, and/or the factors that make up who you are.

As many of you already know, I live in Singapore.. a tiny island in Southeast Asia. Contrary to popular belief, English is taught as the first language in schools. We do understand English, we speak it, read it and probably spell a lot better than native English speakers. Singapore is a cosmopolitan city with a multi racial and multi cultural society. There is more to Singapore than its Marina Bay Sands and other touristy spots. Do let me know if you're heading this way. I'm more than happy to take you around. :)

I do a fair bit of travelling, though not as frequent as I'd love to, hence my perspective on certain issues is somewhat different. I tend to be less critical than most Singaporeans about living conditions here. Singaporeans tend to complain A LOT about public transport. Be it about trains breaking down during rush hour, or the infrequency of some bus services when you need them most, Singaporeans complain about everything. Don't get me wrong, I get annoyed with the public transport too. 

But I complain less because I've been on packed Thailand trains where people were sitting on the floors of the aisles and the toilets because there were no seats for them; I've been on Melbourne trams that are confusing as hell; it's rare to find a nice Cambodian tuktuk driver who won't rip you off and don't get me started on Malaysia's public buses... 

I am thankful for the luxuries we have here in comparison to people in other parts of the world. I am thankful that food is cheap and readily available here, that shops close at 10 pm instead of 6 pm so we can have some form of social life after work... I am thankful. 

My advise is: Travel far, travel wide.. learn from the experiences, it'll humble you.

Wednesday, September 4: If you could take three months off from your current life and do anything in the world, what would you do? 

If I had three months, and all the money in the world... I would pack up my bags and flashpack Europe. Yes, flashpack. I am quite tired of budgeting my travels... staying in mediocre hostels and getting bitten by bedbugs. I wanna stay in nice hotels, eat great food at beautiful mountainside restaurants, swim in the crystal clear beaches of Mykonos, Greece.. drive down Italy's countryside etc.

One can hope!

Click here for more #blogtember posts!

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