Wednesday, July 10, 2013

What Ramadhan means to me

Today is the first day of the Muslim fasting month of Ramadhan. Muslims from all over the world would be abstaining themselves from food and drink from dawn till dusk.

Many of our non-Muslim friends had criticised us for being 'crazy', 'foolish' and 'stupid' for abstaining. Why would ANYONE put themselves through the pain of being thirsty and hungry?

Think of it this way: We only fast for 30 days in a year at most. 30 days (or in this year's case, 28 days) is NOTHING compared to those who can't afford food and water all year round.

What Ramadhan means to me:

The holy month of Ramadhan means to abstain from wayward behaviours and do good things for a change. It's the most sacred month of the year which means more time spent doing some soul searching, getting close to God and reaping up all the benefits Ramadhan bring to the Believers.

Ramadhan also means more family time. We have our meals before the crack of dawn together, and break fast (most of the time) together. I love fasting month cos it's when Mum gets inventive and tries new recipes. It is also the time to make plans with friends you don't usually get to see during the year and break fast together. Holds more meaning than dinner dates at any other time.

Less eating, drinking and snacking... I could probably use some weight loss this month. Watch less racy music videos on Youtube and spend less time on Facebook secretly judging people.

Things to do this Ramadhan:

1. Be a better Muslim
I used to frequent the mosque every week, at least once. Now, not so much because I get so busy... But excuses, excuses. I hope to do night prayers (Qiyamullail) especially during the last ten days of Ramadhan.

2. Reopen the Quran
When I am really pressured, I find solace sitting with the Holy Book in my hands reading through God's words. It's been too long, really.

3. Fast as much as I can
It sucks to get your period during Ramadhan, because when you can't fast.. you'd have to pay back during the year. I have so many days to pay back from when I was younger, God knows when I'll be able to clear them all.

4. Refrain myself from deliberately sinning
And the temptation to sin is heightened during this month. God, the devils are everywhere. All these ogling at hot dudes... Must. Stop. Now.

5. Curb on the curse words
I swear on a daily basis. Like, every day. I do realise how much I swear, but... it's embedded in my fu-... vocabulary, yo'.

What I hope to achieve:

I've been a terrible Muslim the past year and I hope to improve this year. Though I can't promise that I'd quit the bad things I do, I am going to try... hard. I know my limitations, and I pray that God will give me the strength to push through even though the temptations to sin are aplenty.

I pray that I'd be able to carry forward all that I've achieved this month, and make sure whatever happened during Ramadhan doesn't stay during Ramadhan. I can't possibly try to be an angel during this month and morph back into the devil I am, prior. It'll be counter-productive.


Lord, in this holy month of Ramadhan, please have mercy on our brothers and sisters in war-torn countries of Iraq, Afghanistan, Egypt etc. Please grant them the strength and courage to get through the difficult days. Feed them, and quench their thirst... relieve them from their sufferings. They deserve so much more than what they're going through. 

On a more personal level, the Lord has created me to withstand great challenges and I try my very best not to disappoint Him. He listens and understands when no one else does, and He'd granted me my prayers whenever He deemed me fit to receive them. Everything that I do, I do it for Him. My achievements and failures, I attribute them all to Him.

Please guide me on a road to Your jannah.

To all my Muslim readers: Ramadhan Kareem!
May Allah accept all our prayers and fasting, forgive our sins and bless us in this world and in the hereafter. 


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