Sunday, July 7, 2013

What is friendship, I pray thee tell

Last month, I introduced some girls who are very dear to me. We may have come from different backgrounds, but we all had one thing in common: We were, in some point in our lives, part of the Katong Convent Girl Guides family.


I feel old looking at the above pictures because all the girls (except for Fern in the blue shoes) are all way younger than me. They didn't experience gruelling outdoor camps like we did or had crazy adventures during and after Guide meetings and got into trouble like we had.

Yesterday, I had the privilege to be reunited with the people I grew up with. These women were the crazy bunch of people whom I spent four years of school getting into all sorts of mischief with. They were the ones who used to yell at us when we sucked at marching, and they were the ones who taught us songs we would in turn teach the younger ones.

To the people in the photographs above, we were a bunch of crazies. We were the batch they talked about, but never witness for themselves how insane we could be. We were the batch that used to climb gates, have ghostly encounters and roughed out camps and hikes overseas. We could turn to each other and go.. 'Do you remember when...' and we'd laugh about it.

We were legen - wait for it - dary.

5 batches of KCGG in this picture: 08, 07, 06, 05 and 04.

It's amazing how all of us have gone our separate way since graduating school... but sit all of us across two canteen tables and the conversations, the camaraderie, the jokes and insults roll like nothing had changed. We could be like, 'Hey, so what are you doing now?' one minute and playfully make a jab at someone the next. It didn't matter that we haven't been in the same room for technically 6 years.

Ladies and gentlemen, this is what true friendship means.

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