Monday, July 15, 2013

Weekly Wishes #2

Previous week's wish: Try a new recipe that has nothing to do with - garlic, mushroom, salmon or broccoli.

One night, I was starving and there wasn't anything decent to eat in the fridge without having to make something, so I decided to see what there was to cook and I came up with Grilled Mushroom and Cheese sammich! Fine, I used mushrooms when I said I wouldn't... but I had to cos they were going to be rotten if I didn't use them soon. 

I sauteed some onion slices with the mushrooms, topped them with some salt and freshly ground black pepper before putting them on bread and cheese slices. Turned out sinfully yummy.

Weekly wishes #2:
❤ Get all paperwork settled for work
❤ Meet Aidan Murphy for one last time before he leaves for Sydney
❤ Set up a sponsor page
❤ Think of a gift for Bonnie!

Get all paperwork settled for work

I've been spending two whole weeks trying to make sure everything gets done before the 24th, and I am running way behind schedule. Somethings I can't control aren't being really cooperative right now, and being pressured by it ain't helping. 

I foresee next week to be another mad rush, with a three-day First Aid Course and the deadline for submission of forms and all. I hope to get everything settled by Wednesday tops so I can stop worrying about formalities and start getting down to actual studying. 

Meet Aidan Murphy for one last time before he leaves for Sydney

This is Aidan. Farhan and I met him while we were on a 3D2N trek in Chiang Mai. We had a good time up in the mountains, and when we said goodbye on my last day in Chiang Mai, I wasn't at all sad because he was going to move to Singapore for work anyway.

We had dinners a couple of times since he got settled in, and I particularly loved the chill evening spent at his home watching Bones and enjoying couscous and homemade ratatouille. Lately we haven't seen each other because we're so busy with work and life. A few days ago, he texted me saying that we should catch up soon before he leaves for Sydney. I asked if he was leaving for holiday or for good.... and he said it was the latter. 

So yeah, I gotta see him before he leaves.

Set up a sponsor page

You know, it's for someday when my blog is more established and any kind soul would like to set up their ads at the corner. Syfnz Says is only 1.5 months old and I am humbled to say, I've received such great response for this blog. THANK YOU!

Think of a gift for Bonnie!

I am participating in The Nectar Collective's Snail Mail project and I got Bonnie @ The Compass Rose as my pairing for this month! She's an amazing woman, with a lovely blog so do check her out.

The theme for the month is: I
ntroduce where you live – what’s special about it?  

I hope she'll like my gift. :D

So these are my wishes for this week! I know it's a significant jump from last week's ONE. But I really need to get all these done. Wish me luck! To find out more about Weekly Wishes linkup, click HERE!



  1. Your sandwich looks AMAZING. I am totally making that for dinner tomorrow :)

  2. Who cares if there's mushrooms and you said no mushrooms because that sandwich looks HEAVENLY and mushrooms are the BOMB! You've got some great goals there and I hope you manage to get through all of them, especially setting up the sponsor page and meeting up with your friend. :)

    1. Thank you! The sandwiches are arterial clogging, but WHO CARES! I really hope to get through them too~ I love your old blog Seoul Sold by the way. :)

  3. Good luck with your new goals for this week! And I'm impressed with your last weekly wish... ugh, I'm no cook so I admire anyone who can do it... and that sandwich looks oozing good! Yum yum yum!


    1. With practice, anything is possible! My first ever dish was a bland omelette. Go figure. xD

  4. The sandwhich looks amazing! I love mushrooms and I love grilled cheese sandwiches, so this is a combo from heaven! Good luck on all your goals for this week - I hope you get to spend some more quality with your friend before he leaves for Sydney! I'm moving abroad soon, so I'm trying to spend as much time with my friends as possible as well. :)

  5. Ooo I am the same and just keep using the same ingredients over and over but this sandwich looks divine!

  6. Found you through the weekly wishes link up and you have great goals for this week, I hope you can achieve them and that you get that sponsor page up, I'd love to grab your button. I followed you on Bloglovin' btw.

    All Saints Day

    1. Thank you Shana! I'll let you know when it's up! Maybe we could do a swap ;)

  7. Ah that sandwhich looks like the thing dreams are made out of! I must try this.

    I wish you all the best with your goals! I'm hunting for that perfect gift for my partner too :)

    1. Yes you should, you won't regret it. Good luck with your gift! :D

  8. So you'll be making us that sandwich during the next house party, right? *puppy eyes*

    1. Awww I feel loved! Maybe it can happen soon, if the ladies night is still on. Heh.

  9. I am so excited to get your gift in the mail! I hope you like it x
