Saturday, July 13, 2013

Friday Night Iftar

Iftar is another word for 'breaking of fast'. On the 3rd day of Ramadhan, a few of us decided to come together and have dinner at Arafath/Rindo/Jing/Kai's place. It was a cozy, small but lively affair when everyone got together to enjoy some dates, fruits and mutton briyani.

Arafath's girlfriend Claudia was in town, so we spent a good hour before breaking fast catching up. We talked about Rindo rushing to the airport to catch his flight to Ho Chi Minh City and wondered what would happen if he actually missed it. I predicted him strolling into the house going, "HEY GUYS, I'M HOME!"

And guess what?

45 minutes later he did JUST THAT, much to all of our amusements.

He chided us for not having faith in him, but the truth was, everyone knew him so well that these kinda cock ups are bound to happen to Mr Rindo Ramankutty. Thankfully, he managed to book a flight for the next morning. I hope he wouldn't miss this one.

After dinner, we headed down to the Bazaar for some snacking. It's funny I hardly head to the bazaar unless I absolutely have to despite living so close by. The thought of Ramly burgers, ayam percik, dendeng and keropok lekor is enough to make me drool, but the heat and pushing through crowds made me think twice, three times about going.

I'll write a feature on a bazaar another day, but today.. lemme just enjoy the food.

 Vada and Ming enjoying their Ramly burger. It's Ming's first encounter with those yummy burgers and Vada's 493613568130689257th after eating one every day while in Langkawi.
We were joking about these two being 'typical Indians' hanging around bargain shops in search for slippers. Don't get me wrong, I love them both. They're both highly educated and earn buckets. But sometimes, as Rindo says,:
'One will have to go back to their roots.'
 My favourite couple: Minah and Mat. Hudha and Nas

Both Rindo and Arafath decided to waste some cash throwing darts at balloons. Rindo won a tiny bear for his efforts, unfortunately for Arafath. Watching them throw darts unsuccessfully reminds me of a similar scene...

SEE? The first picture is of Rindo, and the second is of Ummar taken a really long time back. There are tons of difference between the two scenes, but a notable one is probably (and bearing in mind the fact that I don't normally say nice things about this guy) :

Ummar is a better shot than Rindo and Arafath put together. Sorry, guys. HAHA.

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