Monday, July 22, 2013

May angels lead you in, Felicia

Last night, the Couchsurfing Singapore community lost a precious friend. Felicia Le was called home to the Lord at 2130 hours. A couple of us were hanging out at a fellow CS-er's place when we got to know about the tragic news, and were deeply saddened by her loss.

Felicia was an angel, she's sweet and always cheerful.. you'll never see her without a smile etched across her face. She's a little awkward, but kind and friendly. She had her head up in the clouds most of the time, and thought of the coolest, most whimsical ideas.. she had me awestruck.

She may not have realised how much impact she had on everyone around her. When we heard of her passing last night, all the laughter and merry-making atmosphere we were in just five minutes ago practically vanished. Everyone in the house went down to the hospital to see her one last time, and had our phones ringing off the hook from other friends who've heard and were concerned.

None of us wanted to believe that God had taken away our beautiful, sweet Felicia.

Her untimely death was tragic, but it brought us all together. From the moment we got the news last night, friends, not only in Singapore, but from all over the world had dedicated their time and energy to give what they can to help. I only saw love, warmth, kindness and humungous support from everyone in the midst of their grief. A group of us were there last night at the hospital to see her for one last time, and gave updates to the friends who couldn't come down... This afternoon, another bunch of friends took their time off work and went to pay their respects and gave their moral support to her family, gave updates to those of us who couldn't get off work to be there. From all the messages exchanged, I don't think any of us had a good night's sleep last night. Everyone was trying hard to support one another while dealing with their own grief.


Dear Felicia, 
No words can describe the sense of loss I feel upon hearing about your passing. You were so bubbly, so friendly and so lovable. I will always cherish the moment we spent seated next to each other on this huge boulder and sang along to the guy who played the guitar. We didn't know the words to the whole song, but had such a great laugh about it. I'll miss you calling my name so cheerfully and the bone crushing hug you gave every time we saw each other. 
Though it may not seem like it at times, you are so loved by so many of us. I pray that you're happy and at peace wherever you are now, and hope you know how much everyone loves you. Felicia, we are lucky to have such great friends. I'm just sad that we won't be able to see you and your beautiful smile at events and parties anymore. 
You've changed us all, babe. 

Now you've grown your wings, travel far and wide.. fulfill all the epic fantasies you told me you wanted to achieve. Tonight you're with God. Goodnight Felicia Le, thank you for all the great memories. I miss you already.

Rest In Peace.

//I dedicate this entire week to my dear friend, Felicia. Normal postings will resume next week.

1 comment:

  1. I'm sorry to hear that. Cheer up soon, she's at a better place.
