Monday, September 2, 2013

Weekly Wishes #6

That's me, being Jungle Girl in Chiang Mai.

Previous week's wishes:
❤ Have a proper system for studying
❤ Get necessary things for winter in Melbourne❤ Ace exams

I do apologise for the gap in between #5 and #6 because of my two-week long Melbourne trip, hence the tardiness. I've managed to cross out every single wish on my list because of all you awesome readers. Erika and Allie's suggestions to adopt the Pomodoro technique to make my studying more productive WORKED WONDERS. I find that having some breaks to look forward to in between study sessions (no matter how short) helps. Thank you ladies.

Melbourne was FUH-REEZING when we arrived. The coldest was probably at 3 degrees. We were walking towards the domestic arrival terminal at Tullamarine airport and our teeth were chattering, smoke escaped with every breath we exhaled. Needless to say, we tropical climate peeps were very much entertained.

I still have my job, which meant.. I ACED ALL MY EXAMS! But not without hard work, sweat, anger and tears. At least the hard part is over. ONWARD with our training!


❤ Manage finances: have at least 200 leftover spending money for the rest of the month
❤ Get laundry done
❤ Investigate where have the mails gone to

❤ Manage finances: have at least 200 leftover spending money for the rest of the month
First paycheck was in, but I still have a long, long way to go to enjoy the benefits that come with the job. September is looking very bleak as of now (and the next few months to come), and I pray for a miracle for us to get rostered as soon as possible so we won't be eating grass next month too. Sigh.

❤ Get laundry done
I have a pile of dirty clothes from Melbourne that needs my attention. I better get it done before my next trip.

❤ Investigate where have the mails gone to
The case of the disappearing mails. Bonnie and I both hadn't received our mails to each other. Which is strange, considering my mails out usually get to their destinations fast. Time to head to the post office tomorrow. Hope my gifts to her aren't lost in the mail-verse. Or the mail monster ate them up.

Right now, I am going to get my ass ready for the airport (I seem to be going to the airport a hell lot these days and it's set to increase later during the month) and bid farewell to my darling Maria who's heading home to Ukraine. More about her later!

What are your weekly wishes for this first week of September... GASP, is it September already?!


  1. I know I am so bummed, and I'm kicking myself that I did not get the mail certified or what not because I cannot check on the status. :( So so bummed. I so dislike that you didnt get my gift, i hate to let people down.

    Bonnie Rose | A Compass Rose - Expat Lifestyle & Photography blog

  2. Congrats on achieving all of your goals from your last post, especially acing your exams! Isn't that the best feeling? I do hope you find your packages. I have found that mail overseas isn't quite what I'm used to in the US, but the perks of being an expat make it all okay. The only thing I seem to be missing so far after living in Germany for 2.5 months is a set of knitting needles. Happy September!

  3. Good luck with your wishes this week! I love the finance goal, but since I don't even know how much money I will earn when I start my job again^^
    And I haven't received my mail either... don't think it's gonna happen until I am still in Germany (going back to London for my studies this wednesday) :(
    Hope everything turns out fine!

  4. WELCOME HOME (again)! I'm pretty sure you won't have to resort to eating grass, given the awesome stuffs your fridge seems to have. I jelly. Did you find out about the mail yet?
