Thursday, June 20, 2013

The case of the disappearing pictures.

I had a really great idea of a post today, but when I reached into my memory card to pull out the photos,   I found - to my horror - they had MAGICALLY disappeared! I swear I saw them when I extracted the Veganburg pictures, and now they are ALL GONE. So unfortunately I can't share what adventures we had, heading to a remote part of Singapore and looking at horses. (GASP- that horsie photo I took is gone too!!!) These were all that was left. I guess they'll do for now.

Our little island had been blanketed in haze the past few days. Haze is a yearly occurrence in Singapore, but it had never been this terrible.  The air quality hit a new level of hazardous, peaking at 371 (in terms of PSI readings - google it xP) at 1 pm today. The smog is predicted to last a few more days, unless God grants his gift of rain upon the earth. 

Yesterday, my sisters and I braved the haze and went exploring. It's amazing, the places you can get to when you have a car. While driving through a rather peaceful (but incredibly remote) part of Singapore, I commented that it looked like we were at Silent Hill, with no one up and about, and the low visibility because of the haze.

I really wouldn't want to be out here alone at night.

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