Monday, June 17, 2013

Of cafes and great company

The past weekend had been incredibly chill. Most of Saturday was spent at a quiet place where I caught up on some reading. I did a little sprucing up of a cover my cousin, Herlmi and I did last Monday... This boy has mad guitar skillz. He used to be a bassist in a band, and is a natural when it comes to music. So lucky to have someone as talented as him in the family. Enjoy! :D

Sunday's plan was to vegetate more till the evening, till a few friends called me out to 40 Hands for some coffee and cakes. I went there once with the best friend and their coffee was by far, the best I've ever tasted. So smooth and flavourful!

The area is pretty difficult to get to, especially if you're a first-timer to that part of town. I really had to depend on my memory to walk to the place. Thank God for my excellent backtracking skills. I managed to not get lost. Along the way, I took the time to marvel at the sights you'd hardly see in a metropolis Singapore. The block of flats were no more than 5 storeys high, and I bet they are more spacious than most of the pigeonholes that have sprung out around the newer residential areas, like Punggol. It was hot, humid and God, I felt uncomfortably sticky, but the walk down the old residential areas were definitely worth it.

Spent a good hour catching up with friends over iced latte, sparkling water and tarts.. we snuck a hazelnut cupcake from Plain Vanilla down the street, but who cares. :x

40 Hands @ Yong Siak Street

Later, we decided to escape the heat for a bit and hung out at Ms Bedah's office. It was more like an apartment than an office, really. It was incredibly cozy and still a work in progress as Bedah would say. Played with her cats, Kit and Kat... Kit was extremely shy initially, but warmed up to me after I stuck my head into the curtain he was hiding in and had a staring contest. Most cats find me friendly enough to be affectionate to, maybe except for Rasyidah's cat Teager. That cat hates me. :(

Claire checking out the spacious balcony
The view from said balcony
Don't ask. I don't know either.

Beer Garden Sunday hangout with the usuals, did a little bit of catching up and I saw people I haven't seen in ages because I've been avoiding the clubs and late nights for a while now. We planned for the week, and for the excitement that was going to unfold this weekend. I can't really divulge, cos I'm afraid she might come across this, and then I'll be screwed. Heh.

The rain came down hard on us while we were there, it was insane. One moment it was hot and humid,  then suddenly, it poured. Excellent cuddle weather, but the six of us left were still out, talking a whole load of crap and enjoying our teas and ciders. 

Bedah and Kat. Thanks for a great Sunday afternoon!

This week is yet another exciting week, so stay tuned!

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