Saturday, February 1, 2014

Gong Xi Fa Cai!

Today is when all shops are closed, majority of the nation goes visiting and others flock to the beaches for family picnics. It's a long, long weekend for everyone this Chinese New Year and for the first time in two years, I am actually HOME!

I love going through my instagram feed and seeing all my friends looking fabulous and spending the day with their families. Not to mention, all the food pictures! Pineapple tarts, pot luck dishes, yu sheng... mmmmm~

Spent this year's at Miao's this evening. Albeit short because I had to rush for a family gathering, I was glad to see everyone again! There were more than 25 people crammed in one house, having a GREAT SPREAD of food and lots of merrymaking. 

Round Two was mooooreee food and I came into the room to find my sisters and cousins playing the old school game of five stones. I used to be good at it in school... now my skills had zeroed. It's gonna be a long day tomorrow, busy with our Uncle's wedding. More food, more merrymaking, more people.

P.S. My week-long silence is JUSTIFIED as I am currently working on something exciting for this blog. It's a major, major change and just a few tweaks more I am ready to reveal it for all you wonderful readers to see! So, stay tuned!

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