Monday, August 12, 2013

Weekly Wishes #5

Previous week's wishes:
❤ Squeeze some Hari Raya visiting time
❤ Try not to kill anyone

It had been a pretty stressful week last week. Once training for work started, it was like I had hit the ground sprinting (yes, even faster than running). Expect less posts from me this month as I have to juggle my time between being completely stressed out for exams, and preparing to head to Melbourne for more training... and having a social life. I am starting to learn from my mistakes now, which means, NO MORE PROCRASTINATING.

Kept my cool and didn't kill anyone last week. Any kind of problems I had with anyone had been resolved... (telling a little half-truth worked beautifully in this case). 

Plus, even though I was working through the first, second and third day of Hari Raya, I managed to squeeze in some visiting time as seen here. I dragged my notes along during these visits, and had fun, ate a lot and saw people who weren't my colleagues for a change.

❤ Have a proper system for studying
❤ Get necessary things for winter in Melbourne
❤ Ace exams

❤ Have a proper system for studying
I was never the best student because I was always too lazy to read and memorise stuff. This has got to change because the exams I am getting for trainings are going to either make me or break me. So far, my stress management hadn't been top form. This was something I need to be working on.

Any suggestions as to how I can go about staying organised?

❤ Get necessary things for winter in Melbourne
Singapore is country with a tropical climate. It doesn't get really cold outdoors. The temperatures in our shopping malls though, is a whole other climate. So we absolutely do not need to be wearing fur coats and fleece here. 

I hate the cold. I get bitter and miserable when it's cold. I'd rather it be hot and windy, rather than it be cold and windy. I have a jacket in my bag EVERYWHERE I go. This would be my first winter in Australia, hence I have no idea what to expect. My cousins from Melbourne told me that wearing windbreakers and walking around in sneakers are fine... But, I have doubts trusting them. 

Time to shop for winter clothing.

❤ Ace exams
Just went through one exam today, and it was nerve-wracking as hell. Passed, thankfully.. and now we'd have to study for yet another exam on Thursday. Gone were the days we had the luxury to revise what we've learnt at a glacial pace. Gosh. I need all the brain cells I can generate.

How has Monday gone for everyone?

By the way, I've FINALLY set up my Advertising page where, if you'd like to support me.. and vice versa, we could arrange to do a button swap or other fun stuff. If you're interested in something more than a button swap, do email me and I'll be happy to provide you with everything you need. :)



  1. If you figure out that whole "being organized" thing you should pass along the information! I struggle so much! Enjoy winter in Australia! What an adventure! I can't wait to come back and hear more about it! :)

    This Lovely Little Day

  2. It won't be that cold in the day. And you can survive in a windbreaker and sneakers. You'll prolly need a thicker coat for night time, but once the sun is out you won't really need it. Ask those who studied in Melbs!

  3. If you're anything like me, then you'll need more than just a windbreaker. I can't even survive in air-con for long. Yikes! Though Parry seems to be doing fine without one in Brisbane. Heh.

    You're smart, so you'll be fine. Maybe Mom Ras' cookies can help to wind up the stress a little. Journey to the West? :o

    Best of luck!!!

  4. You are going to do great on your exams! And have fun in Melbourne too. I am sure you can trust your cousins, just take one thing 'extra' just in case.

    xxSusanne @

  5. Good luck with studying and your exams!! :) And Nicole from Treasure Tromp just posted about being productive with the pomodoro technique: It might help you in your studying!!! :)


  6. As far as stress management goes, the Pomodoro technique is the way to go! That and write everything down--those are my tips! Good luck and have a stellar week! xx

